Convert Kilograms To Pounds

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Kilograms: = Pounds: = Ounces: = Grams:
Fill kilograms, pounds, ounces or grams to convert

How many pounds is 1.5 kg? what does 76 kg mean in pounds? This unit weight converter can convert kilograms, pounds, ounces, and grams, with virtual scales and pointer, it provides easier reading and understanding the different of Imperial and Metric.

How to use this converter

  • To convert kilograms to pounds (kg to lb), fill in the blank of kilograms.
  • To convert ounces to grams (oz to g), fill in the blank of ounces.
  • To convert grams to ounces (g to oz), fill in the blank of grams.
  • To convert pounds to kilograms (lb to kg), fill in the blank of pounds.
  • You can fill in fractions or decimals
  • Choose graduation of 1/32, 1g=1/32oz; Choose 1/4, 1g=0oz

Mass and Weight

  • 1 kilogram(kg) = 1000 g = 2.20462262 lb = 35.2739619 oz
  • 1 pound(lb) = 16 oz = 0.45359237 kg = 453.59237 g
  • 1 ounce(oz) = 0.0283495231 kg = 28.3495231 g
  • 1 gram(g) = 0.001 kg = 0.00220462262 lb = 0.0352739619 oz

Kilograms to Pounds conversion table

  • 1 kg = 2 7⁄32 lb
  • 2 kg = 4 13⁄32 lb
  • 3 kg = 6 5⁄8 lb
  • 4 kg = 8 13⁄16 lb
  • 5 kg = 11 1⁄32 lb
  • 6 kg = 13 7⁄32 lb
  • 7 kg = 15 7⁄16 lb
  • 8 kg = 17 5⁄8 lb
  • 9 kg = 19 27⁄32 lb
  • 10 kg = 22 1⁄16 lb

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